Come by for any or all of the evening. If you can only make part of it we would still love to see you!
4pm--Adoration and Confession
6pm--FREE homemade dinner and great company!
Come by for any or all of the evening. If you can only make part of it we would still love to see you!
4pm--Adoration and Confession
6pm--FREE homemade dinner and great company!
Come by for any or all of the evening. If you can only make part of it we would still love to see you!
4pm--Adoration and Confession
6pm--FREE homemade dinner and great company!
Join us for Mass at Sacred Heart Church (1110 14th St.)
4:00-4:45pm--Confession available in Church with Adoration.
6:00pm--Dinner and fellowship.
Carpools from campus always available. Meet at the parking lot below the VU at 4pm or at Buchanan Towers parking lot at 4:00pm.
Join us to learn about our Catholic faith! If you want to learn about the topic of the week you are welcome to drop in. If you are interested in joining the Catholic church or a Catholic in need of Confirmation or Communion join us regularly to learn all you need to know.
Come by for any or all of the evening. If you can only make part of it we would still love to see you!
4pm--Adoration and Confession
6pm--FREE homemade dinner and great company!
Join us for Mass at Sacred Heart Church (1110 14th St.)
4:00-4:45pm--Confession available in Church with Adoration.
6:00pm--Dinner and fellowship.
Carpools from campus always available. Meet at the parking lot below the VU at 4pm or at Buchanan Towers parking lot at 4:00pm.
Join us to learn about our Catholic faith! If you want to learn about the topic of the week you are welcome to drop in. If you are interested in joining the Catholic church or a Catholic in need of Confirmation or Communion join us regularly to learn all you need to know.
Come by for any or all of the evening. If you can only make part of it we would still love to see you!
4pm--Adoration and Confession
6pm--FREE homemade dinner and great company!
Join us for Mass at Sacred Heart Church (1110 14th St.)
4:00-4:45pm--Confession available in Church with Adoration.
6:00pm--Dinner and fellowship.
Carpools from campus always available. Meet at the parking lot below the VU at 4pm or at Buchanan Towers parking lot at 4:00pm.
Join us to learn about our Catholic faith! If you want to learn about the topic of the week you are welcome to drop in. If you are interested in joining the Catholic church or a Catholic in need of Confirmation or Communion join us regularly to learn all you need to know.